Three Infrastructure Investment Opportunities

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted June 25, 2012

It started out as nothing more than another backroom meeting in Seoul, South Korea…

Sitting in an undisclosed location surrounded by fenced-off barrels of fermenting cabbage, radish and cucumber, fiscal architects worked feverishly behind the backdrop of permeating kimchi odors to create the High Level Panel on Infrastructure, the G20’s well-funded arm charged with facilitating a $50 trillion global infrastructure plan.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve filled you in on this plan — and more importantly, the opportunity to capitalize on $50 trillion in infrastructure spending now under way.

Last week, the G20 met in Mexico where this infrastructure plan was top priority.

You see, while the G20 had orchestrated the whole thing, a plan of this magnitude still needed final approval from those who sit in their palaces, White Houses, and maximum-security villas…

And that’s exactly what came to pass.


On Tuesday, June 19th, President Obama, German President Angela Merkel, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, and Russian President Vladimir Putin officially endorsed the G20’s $50 trillion infrastructure plan.

Found in the G20 Leaders Declaration is the following:

Investment in infrastructure is critical for sustained economic growth, poverty reduction, and job creation. We therefore welcome the strong progress made under the Multi-Year Action Plan, including in implementing the recommendations of the Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDBs) Action Plan and the High Level Panel on Infrastructure… we will intensify our efforts to create a more conducive environment for development, including supporting infrastructure investment.

And on the heels of this approval, we quickly learned India is now expected to land about $1 trillion in infrastructure funding over the next five years.

This is where we’ll strike first.

The First Trillion is the Easiest

India’s infrastructure development plans vary from oil & gas projects to roads and bridges… to railways and electric transmission.

Since there are a lot of investment dollars up for grabs, we’re focusing our attention on the most recent infrastructure deals that, not coincidentally, seem to have been announced within days — if not hours — of the G20 meeting in Mexico…

These include, but are not limited to:

  • A $200 million investment in a new power generation and transmission factory

  • A $7.7 billion hydro project

  • $20 million funding deal for utility-scale solar power plants

  • A $178 million water treatment project

  • $1.1 billion in funding for a new wind power project

Of just those five projects, there are three specific companies that are virtually guaranteed to be involved in every single one.

These are the companies I told you about last week — the companies that are so intertwined in the infrastructure space, there’s hardly a single project that can be completed without their involvement.

And the best part is all three of these companies had access to the recent G20 Summit in Mexico.

The writing is on the wall, my friends. Don’t sleep on this opportunity.

The $50 trillion global infrastructure build-out is officially under way. And these three companies are guaranteed to benefit handsomely.

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be getting a piece of this action, too.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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